Trademark Office Actions

DC Trademarks handles all types trademark office actions. These include:
  • Office Actions under Section 2(d) on the basis of likelihood of confusion of a trademark application with a registered or pending trademark, servicemark, slogan, or logo.
  • Office Actions under Section 2(e) on the basis of the mark being merely descriptive, geographically descriptive, misdescriptive, or primarily merely a surname. Or on the basis that the mark requires a disclaimer as to one or more elements.
  • Office Actions under Section 2(c) on the basis that the mark contains the name, likeness, nickname, stage name, or pseudonym of a living individual.
  • Office Actions under Section 2(a) on the basis of the mark being deceptive, disparaging, or scandalous.
  • Office Actions under Section 2(b) on the basis that the mark contains a government flag, coat or arms, or insignia.

We will be happy to review and provide an estimate for responding to a USPTO Office Action. Contact us with any questions.

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